• Autumnal

    I'm so jealous, I've never gotten to see them. They're one of my favorite bands, but I usually only really listen to them in late fall/winter. Same with AFI, they're my winter bands :D

    • pseudopsynic

      That's so funny. My wife and I are the exact same way! It just makes sense for Alkaline Trio to be a winter band. There's something soothing about listening to songs like "Sadie" when it's cold outside... Maybe we're weird.

      • Autumnal

        oh mah god, I seriously thought I was the only person to have like seasonal bands. Yeah, Sadie's a great one for cold nights. Once the leaves are off the trees, it's Alkaline Trio/AFI time :D

        • pseudopsynic

          That's what I thought until I met my wife! Now I know of 3 people with seasonal bands!