• ElGuzano (edited 9 years ago)

    As /u/ToixStory says, the fact that the same big donors give to both is just rich people hedging their bets. The idea that this means "there is officially no difference between Jeb and Hillary" is ludicrous. Yes, they're both going to make sure the rich get richer and that corporate interests are protected and that the war machine continues to march on, and yes they're both corrupt power-hungry liars, but just off the top of my head here are a few obvious differences:

    - Jeb will work with Republicans in Congress to dismantle Social Security, Medicare, and any other social support program they think they can weaken; Hillary will will not. Even if she capitulates and compromises on some of that she will definitely not make gutting those programs a central goal of her time in office like Jeb will.

    - Jeb will work with Republicans in Congress to undermine as much of the ACA as the courts will allow; Hillary will not.

    - If the Republicans in Congress pass a bill defunding Planned Parenthood, Jeb would sign it; Hillary would veto it.

    - Supreme Court Justice appointments. Duh.

    So the bottom line is, if the election really does come down to this choice between a giant douche and a turd sandwich, unless you're in the 1% Clinton will fuck your shit up a lot less than Bush will.