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Published 6 years ago by Apolatia with 4 Comments

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  • leweb

    In China, the government spies on everything you do, say, buy, eat, drink, believe, everywhere you go, and everything you post online, like, upvote, downvote, etc. And everything your family members and friends do, etc. too. They keep track of it and use it to make decisions that affect your life. People call it a digital dictatorship.

    In the US, the corporations do the same thing, and then they bribe the politicians to do what they want. And it’s a “free country” and a “democracy”.

    At least the Chinese government are honest with their citizens about what they do.

    • Appaloosa (edited 6 years ago)

      Any government would covet this, but there are still balances in the free world, for how long, who knows. Now that information is being weaponized, states tend to try and protect themselves often at the expense of freedom.

  • tomeoftrovius

    I even read an article where they'd contact your bank for personal info on you.

  • Mtat

    But... I thought Zuckerberg promised they wouldn't do that?

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