Apocafist's feed
9 years agoAchievement Apocafist
Good Image
Reached a reputation rating of 67%. Congratulations Apocafist on this achievement!
+1610 XP -
9 years agoComment Apocafist
I would love to go to this show and do have tickets for Summer Slam. But I just picked up tickets for a Ring of Honor show that will feature a couple of New Japan wrestlers. It will be Shinsuke Nakamura, Kazuchika Okada and The Time Splitters. Whichever event you go to I'm sure it will be an awesome weekend.
9 years ago
I'll definitely give them a look. Thanks.
9 years agoLevel Up Apocafist
Level 6
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9 years ago
Agreed. I love watching these tournaments as it is. This makes it even more interesting.
9 years ago
I think my last DBZ game was Hyper Dimension for Super Famicom and Dragon Ball Z Legends on PS1. After that I kind of retired DBZ around when GT came out. I was one of the "if its not Toriyama I'm not interested" people.
9 years agoComment Apocafist
I haven't played a Dragon Ball Z game in years. DBZ 2 on the Super Famicom was one of my favorite games though. Wondering if I still remember the super finishers. I learned them all by trial and error. Really fun game. That aside I don't like doing pre-orders and have actively avoided doing that in the last two years now but I may break my vow just for this game.
9 years agoComment Apocafist
Haven't played Street Fighter in a while but this looks like it should be good. Also looking forward to Evo 2015!
9 years agoComment Apocafist
That is really cool. I'd love to pop in some of SFAMI cartridges into it and just play. Wonder if PS1 games on it would work.
9 years agoAchievement Apocafist
Chatter Box
Posted a total of 25/25 comments! Congratulations Apocafist on this achievement!
+2670 XP -
9 years agoComment Apocafist
I hated how they did the story in the game. It kind of killed some of the attraction to Destiny for me along with feeling like there wasn't enough places to go. But I'll check out that youtube vid sometime. Who knows maybe it will draw me back in.
Posted in: Destiny's Lore
9 years agoComment Apocafist
I play a large mix. More and more the PC though. My 3DS when I travel to work or out of state.
Posted in: How does /t/gaming play their games
9 years ago
Micro-transactions and no split screen? That sounds bad already. I don't have an Xbox One but if I did get one I'd hope this game doesn't suck. I hated that last one though. I guess its a wait and see what Halo 5 is like post release.
Posted in: Whats everyone's opinion on Halo 5?
9 years agoComment Apocafist
Just recalled something to add to this. My first MMO was City of Heroes. I got into the Beta and my first time seeing the open world left me just standing there staring at how amazing Atlas Park looked. My first thought was, I'm looking through a window into a new world that exist outside my own. I'm guessing maybe its like that for anyone's first MMO experience. I honestly have no idea. And that music that played in the background really set the tone too.
9 years agoComment Apocafist
The first time I saw Double Dragon at the arcade. I was blown away at how cool it looked and that two people can play it at the same time. I could beat the game with a single quarter and these days if I see a Double Dragon arcade somewhere I usually take a moment to play it. The other was when I finally beat Mike Tyson in Punch-Out. It took me a few months but I just kept at it. What a relief that was. I jumped up and started to celebrate. My little cousin who was next to me got up and started jumping around all happy. I wish there was a video of that moment. Finally that moment when Street Fighter 2 came out. People were in a frenzy to play it. You had to wait a while just to get a turn to play it. For me Chinatown (NYC), was the place to be since there were so many Street Fighter 2 arcades around in different shops. Fun times.
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9 years agoComment Apocafist
For me its a mix of some youtube channels and BoardGameGeek. On the YouTube side there is Tabletop which can be fun. I've seen games on it that made skip the game because I didn't find it interesting or the game mechanics weren't what I wanted in a game. And while some people may not like them some of the reviews people put on Amazon can be informative.
Finally my favorite way to discover a new game to play is when I go to PAX East. I'd sit down and learn a game on the fly. If its easy enough to learn I may buy it that weekend and enjoy with my friends during late nights or early mornings of our trip. The game Ascension is a good example of it. We learned it at their booth. Picked up a copy and played it at the hotel later on at night.
There was a board game thread not long ago. I tried to find it but had no success. People listed a bunch of games they liked. These are the ones we play the most at my place:
Ticket to Ride - Very easy to learn and fun. Settlers of Cattan Cyclades - Fun game. Reminds me of Clash of the Titans a bit. Ascension - Easy to learn. It has many different editions out, so I suggest going with the newest one. Cards Against Humanity
There is a Marvel cooperative card game that is a bit long to set up but fun. I think there is an Alien version of it out now. Resident Evil was another card based game we've had a good time with. I played Star Realms at Pax this year and had a good time with it. Its a two player space ship combat card game. A game that was harder to learn (for me anyway), but good once you get it going was Puerto Rico. Another one I'm a bit slow to get is Android: Net Runner.
I could be misremembering but I think I've heard Pandemic is good game.
*fixed some misspelled words
show morePosted in: Where do you go for board games reviews?
9 years agoLevel Up Apocafist
Level 5
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9 years agoAchievement Apocafist
Hat Trick
Maintained a 3 day login streak 2/2 times! Congratulations Apocafist on this achievement!
+1330 XP -
9 years agoComment Apocafist
All this just reminded me I want to make a strip to the Strong Museum of Play.
They just started a Video Game Hall of Fame
9 years ago
In ten years we'll be a step closer to eXistenZ
9 years agoComment Apocafist
Mostly Steam for PC games. I try to buy from mom and pop shops whenever I do buy games. Amazon or Ebay for those harder to find items. Don't use Amazon as much since they've botched my order a few times. The big reason I used to like to use them was the extra $10 or $20 you'd get back via credit. I used it to buy more games usually. But they stopped doing that. Got burned a couple of times at Gamestop so I stopped using them altogether. Plus those lousy stickers that won't come off from used games are so annoying. But on a very rare occasion I like to stop in and check what they have.
9 years ago
I actually started playing this past weekend. I'm well aware of all the ridiculousness in the game. During my original playthrough on PS3 there were many dumb little things but they didn't' take away from the fun of the game. Discovering things was always fun. But that ending. The disappointment in that still lingers. This time on PC with Mods plus DLC. Definitely improves some parts of the game to make it fun and interesting.
Posted in: The Blistering Stupidity of Fallout 3
9 years agoComment Apocafist
Good memories playing on the Atari 2600 with cousins or my uncle. Pac-Man was the obvious favorite but Bump N Jump, Reactor and Missile Command saw a lot of action. I also recall another cousin who had an Atari and we played quite a bit of Congo Bongo. Agreed with the other posts that the progress to the tech is impressive. Kind of fun to see it go from just a few blips on a screen to full on realistic looking landscapes and characters.