• sick

    Let me post up my thoughts on Gay Marriage... It will probably be controversial, but I want to say I understand where the conservative far right folks are coming from. With that statement, surely, folks are already sharpening up the pitchforks; But hopefully you'll read a bit further and understand my point.

    (tens of?)Thousands of years ago, when the world was under-populated, I'm quite sure that when two men fell in love with each other, or two women, it was seen as a bad thing. If you do the math(s) then you'll see and understand why folks might think this. Two women aren't going to produce offspring; neither are two men. At some point in the past, it was deemed a bad thing to allow this behavior as the perception was that it could end humanity.

    Take this to a personal level. If you are a Father or Mother and you feel your children are you and your parents legacy, then if they don't have children, then you die.

    At some point in time, religions decided to incorporate this into their stance either consciously or not effectively outlawing gay marriage. I've never read this concept anywhere, but the more I think of it the more it has to be how it came to be.

    I 100% support the right for folks to marry whomever they want. I'm simply saying I at least understand where the concept and hate probably comes from. I don't think they are right. But I at least understand it.

    ...and theeeere goes my positive rating.

    • GeniusIComeAnon

      To expand on that in more recent times, when a new religion was made, it was usually persecuted with several of it's members often being killed. This leads to the religion creating a rule or a norm in which people reproduce more often. Christianity encouraged its followers to be fruitful and reproduce. This means, of course, that gay people are a threat to the survival of the religion. So, they make something up that says they are bad. The religion continues on for 1-3 thousand years and the followers are still following these norms and listening to these rules.

    • trevortx

      Nah, no reason to down vote you just because you understand where the other side comes from. Your argument makes a lot of sense! I can understand their point of view as well, I just wish they'd look at it from an equality standpoint and understand that their fellow humans deserve the same rights and protections they do. There are plenty of religious people out there who DO think it's fine that marriage equality is the law of the land, especially the group around my age (mid-20s).

    • newuser

      To add to the "biological imperative" argument. It's understandable why same sex unions would be frowned upon in the past - when population growth was an advantage that tribes (no pun in ten did) strived for. However, with our population density and the resulting growth of a "world community" (which cannot come soon enough, I might add), same sex unions actually makes sense now.

      In other words, the individual's capacity to contribute to population growth is no longer needed. This might actually be the system correcting itself and might also explain why the younger population are not so against same sex marriage as the older ones. They were the guardians of the old paradigm and they are performing their function. Just as the younger populations are performing their function, pushing the agenda that corrects the system.

      It's evolution, baby!

      • Spar (edited 8 years ago)

        The world is now generally considered to be overpopulated - when you take that into account, same sex marriages are actually beneficial, as they cannot add to the population.

        Nowadays, same sex couples can still raise a family by means of adoption or foster care - and this provides a safe place for children to grow up that may not have had one before.