• Qukatt

    My husband had thought about creating a thing that would store all your wishes, usernames and passwords for your online life that they could get the password to in your will or something so all of that would be taken care of by someone you trust to do it.

    it's amazing how much more we need to think about sorting out nowadays

    • cunt

      Maybe a program which stores the data and you have to check in every so often or a pen drive containing the details get sent to your Computer Kin

    • folkrav (edited 8 years ago)

      Well, LastPass has that sort of "in case of death" switch where someone (preapproved) can provide them with a death certificate and they give them access to your password vault. I've been using their services for quite some time now and have already set it up so my long-date SO would get access if something happened to me.

      Edit : Sorry, see child comment. That was PasswordBox, not LastPass!

      • FistfulOfStars (edited 8 years ago)

        How does that work exactly?

        My understanding is that LastPass themselves never have access to your encryption key, so I don't see how that would be possible.

        • folkrav

          I'm sorry! That was PasswordBox, which I unsubscribed some months ago. I now use LastPass, for which, through various promotions, got 2.5 years of free Premium service ;)

          PasswordBox - Digital Legacy