• joethebob

    An educated electorate is essential, but is "college" essential to an educated electorate?

    The notion that college functions as a synonym for education is one of my particular peeves. There are fundamental differences between raw intellect, experiential knowledge, abstract knowledge, amongst other components that could reasonably included in the term 'educated'. Strictly speaking while college education is not essential, it would likely be considered highly correlated in adding tools beneficial to the in-depth understanding that is.. It's less the destination that of value but the process to reach that destination, and the realization that the journey never ends until you stop learning.

    • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 7 years ago)

      The thrust of my opinion revolves around "critical thought" and the role college plays in advancing that particular skill. In many cases alleged "knowledge" is one-sided and non-critical.

      To me one MUST approach every fact/ teaching/principle as though it were false, then apply a sort of scientific method as to any validation.

      • joethebob

        Skepticism can be a virtue, however some degree of trust is usually required to get anywhere before senility. The Socratic method is an interesting thought exercise, but is rather outside the boundaries of expectation for daily discussion.

        • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 7 years ago)

          I would/could not know who/what to "trust" without some prior demonstration/consideration.

          Believe me there is plenty of time, if you take it, to be skeptical and considerations to that end can be with you every moment if you allow, unless you are preoccupied with social or business obligations. If those employ most your time then yes, you are probably correct. I have always enjoyed the ponder, there are only a couple other things to me more agreeable.