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Published 6 years ago by AdelleChattre with 7 Comments

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  • kxh (edited 6 years ago)

    Or they might just move out of the US. You know, to a country that has freedom of speech.

    • leweb

      Where is such a country?

      • AdelleChattre

        Perhaps someone would be kind enough to fence in a free speech zone in a remote national park.

        • leweb

          Yeah, gotta keep all that free speech contained so it can't hurt anyone. Just like in Brave New World.

          • kxh

            Maybe we should put servers for a particular country in another country that doesn't care what people of country one says about itself.

  • wyrwolf

    So... basically the way they tried to hold ISPs to count for Media Sharing (Piracy), applied to Prostitution?

  • wyrwolf

    As to Ending The Web, that seems extremely unlikely - for much the same reasons as Piracy wasn't stopped. Plus it's even more legally unworkable (esp. as it's an area where Legal definitions really get worked over). And then there's the connections to the Porn Industry (Big Porn as you will) with Hookup Sites and Cam Sites - which would be on the front Lines - and are VERY popular.

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