• AdelleChattre

    I did not hear that we had been accused of being HHS of the world

    Yes, if only there was some long-established tradition of welcoming immigrants to this country. Could've sworn I remembered “something something ‘A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame / Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name / Mother of Exiles,’ something something ‘The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. / Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, / I lift my lamp beside the golden door!’" Maybe that was from Planet of the Apes, though.

    So, what tribe are you from? Are you Salish? Chumash? Lakota? Choctaw?

    the intent of the article which was to make all of us feel guilty for something we did not do , had nothing to do with at all, have no control over nor condone or condemn

    Imagine, for a moment, that this lady was white. You know, so you wouldn’t have a built-in reason for minding that she was breathing your air. Do you think you could follow this story, then, without thinking somebody is trying to make you feel guilty? That somebody is accusing you, personally, of doing what the system does to the lady in the piece? Suppose you might, possibly, be able to make out where there may be some shortcomings in the system that lady found herself in? The way her case was handled?

    It is a zero sum

    I appreciate your reading this piece, and I can respect your satisfaction that justice has been well and truly done in this case, but no, it’s really not.

    I do wonder, though, whether you noticed that she and her daughters have since been allowed to stay indefinitely because it’s so dangerous for them to return to El Salvador.