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Published 9 years ago by AdelleChattre with 6 Comments

Slow Life

(Full HD)


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  • tefids

    That was amazing! Wish I could see the original 4K footage on a proper 4K monitor. I bet that would be even more mind blowing.

    • davidrools

      watching it on a 27" 1440p monitor is a bit...uncomfortable. All those little tentacles coming out kind of gave me goosebumps.

  • Boudicca

    Thank you for posting this. I watched it on a 4k monitor and it was stunning.Beautiful intense colours. The GBR is under constant threat, no only the rise in ocean temperatures but a short sighted federal government that is putting development ahead of maintaining the health and diversity of one of the world's natural wonders.

  • Cali

    That gave me goosebumps! Some of the things that he filmed looked alien.

    • Amulet

      Indeed! Things found in the oceans are much more alien than anything portrayed in, say, mainstream sci-fi. They should use stuff like this for inspiration more often. (Tired of humanoid aliens on TV...)

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