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Published 8 years ago by AdelleChattre with 5 Comments
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  • blitzen

    If you are a "sovereign citizen", why do you need to file the motion in court?

  • RoamingGnome

    I tend to agree with the overall concept of being a free person. As long as I am not harming anybody, why should I be subject to bullshit laws that were never designed to protect me or anything I care about? Most laws in the USA were written by religious people for religious reasons and by corporate whores for their masters. I do not recognize either of those groups as having some moral authority over me, especially considering that I am a far more moral man than any of them. That said, I do agree that we need to have laws and whatnot in order to maintain a civilized society. I have no idea where to draw the line, but I do believe that what these people did was wrong.

    • spaceghoti

      There's being free, and then there's doing anything you want without consideration of what it costs others. Guess which one the Bundy's are fighting for?

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