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Published 6 years ago by AdelleChattre with 2 Comments

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  • NotWearingPants

    Ublock and it's cousins take care of that pretty well.

    And the power mods are, in fact, the thought police. Any sub with more than about 25k subscribers turns into an echo chamber.

    • AdelleChattre

      What was long suspected — Reddit's pay-to-AMA, plus sundry and various other forms of payola — is now open knowledge. Adblockers aren't going to catch these schemes. Nor'll they out the paid product placement, the P.R. chief assistant sub-flunkies that astroturf any sub of any girth, or the curiously brand-specific product nostalgia testimonials in the middle of comment threads. Even gaming Reddit's been gamed. Please see the cashier on your way in and out.

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