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Published 9 years ago by AdelleChattre with 3 Comments
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  • frogchronot

    While I love the newest and fanciest hardware and software like many other, using tech to better life for everyone is a huge passion of mine. Bringing technology to more people with things like the Raspberry Pi zero is desperately needed in order to do that. This is awesome.

    The next problem they need to keep working on is getting these into areas that could really benefit from cheap, accessible computers such as 3rd world countries and low-income areas.

  • Gozzin (edited 9 years ago)

    I have a friend who is going to use this in his chicken project. What will happen is people can interact with his chickens via hi P.

  • CrookedTale

    Its nice to have a smaller form board. i have used the larger board for projects simply because it was available. Now I can downsize some projects, if I could ever purchase one. Hopefully adafruit will get more stock soon.

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