Comparable to listening to Rachel, Chris, and their ilk for a week?
The lament you all offer from your press is so damn repetitive and insufferable, I too would require large doses of meds to cope, otherwise suicide, inevitable. The whine, as I expected is all consuming.
Comparable to listening to Rachel, Chris, and their ilk for a week? The lament you all offer from your press is so damn repetitive and insufferable, I too would require large doses of meds to cope, otherwise suicide, inevitable. The whine, as I expected is all consuming.
As a courteous host, I'll offer you the cheese.
Either that, or as many prefer to do, we could meet up in objective reality and face what’s ahead with honesty and pragmatism. You do you, though.
Wow you even offered that response, before I posted, while I still was composing mine. Looking over my shoulder? Should I be concerned?
Do let us know when you get a twinge there might be something up with the world’s weather lately.
Yep, might, could, should, maybe, ad-infinitum.