9 years ago
Massive leak reveals Hacking Team’s most private moments in messy detail
Imagine “explaining the evilest technology on earth,” company CEO joked last month.
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Hack at surveillance firm exposes ties to FBI, DEA
A controversial Italian company that reportedly sells surveillance tools to U.S. authorities has been hacked, revealing long-standing ties to the U.S. government and potentially incriminating deals with repressive regimes... -
Here Are All the Sketchy Government Agencies Buying Hacking Team's Spy Tech
They say what goes around comes around, and there's perhaps nowhere that rings more true than in the world of government surveillance... -
Someone Just Leaked The Price List for Cyberwar. By Patrick Tucker
A controversial cyber arms dealer gets hacked, revealing sales to the US military and less savory customers around the world... -
It’s Time to End the “Debate” on Encryption Backdoors. By Kevin Bankston
Yesterday, on Lawfare, FBI Director James Comey laid out his concern that the growing adoption of strong encryption technologies will frustrate law enforcement’s ability to conduct investigations — what he calls the “Going Dark” problem... -
The battle between Washington and Silicon Valley over encryption
When Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson arrived in San Francisco for one of the world’s largest technology conferences, it was almost like a foreign emissary entering enemy territory... -
Encryption, Public Safety, and "Going Dark." By James Comey
I am worried we are talking past each other with respect to "Going Dark," so let me try to frame it in a way that I hope is fair-minded and provides a basis for healthy discussion... -
Facing criticism on security clearance shutdown, government says investigations can start – on paper
Federal authorities announced late Thursday that the government can start the process of vetting applicants for security clearances on paper while the database for background investigations is offline for at least several weeks... -
Eric Holder: The Justice Department could strike deal with Edward Snowden. By Michael Isikoff
Former Attorney General Eric Holder said today that a “possibility exists” for the Justice Department to cut a deal with former NSA contractor Edward Snowden that would allow him to return...
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Funny how the people who like to snoop into other people's lives are often the ones with the most to hide.
I'm starting to think that those in power are the ones who are going to lose out the most with this loss of privacy. I'm just a poor schmo with a middle-class life and nothing to hide (which doesn't mean that I don't want my privacy). They're the ones with huge secrets and terrible skeletons. If we all have to lose our privacy then I think they're going to be the ones who suffer for it.
Except their skeletons can, will, and have in the past been used as leverage for legislation and rulings that go against public interest.
In the end, "we" suffer far more than "they," regardless of whose secrets are under scrutiny.
These asshats aided and abetted some of the most tyrannical regimes on earth, with the blessings of the United States. They deserve to have all their dirty dealings made public. along with the agencies that employed them.