• AdelleChattre

    The rough trade softcore porn film by this same director, Zack Snyder?

    • Appaloosa

      The very one...don't recall seeing any outrage from the now offended people.

      • AdelleChattre

        Once, while watching Australian rules football with an Aussie friend, I asked her why the players wear such minimal uniforms. She cocked an eyebrow and asked, as offended as lecherously, “Why not‽”

      • Appaloosa
        @AdelleChattre -


      • AdelleChattre (edited 6 years ago)
        @Appaloosa -

        Oh, here’s that missing outrage. It was simply misfiled, we should’ve been looking under “Female Sexuality, Easily Threatened By.” Quite likely she may prefer the term ‘fan,’ but then that’s what a lech like that would say, isn’t it?

      • Appaloosa
        @AdelleChattre -

        You dropped prig! That was a perfect ending!

      • AdelleChattre
        @Appaloosa -

        … ya prig! (I thought about going with ‘bluenose’ or ‘Mrs. Grundy’ but mostly didn’t want you to think I meant anything exceptionally mean by it. Shouldn’t’ve worried, should’ve known you weren’t that fragile.)

      • Appaloosa
        @AdelleChattre -

        Banter, it is so hard to know banter, so dangerous, and so sorely missed.