Is the ‘China Model’ Better Than Liberal Democracy?
“One person, one vote isn’t the only morally legitimate way to select leaders,” a political theorist says. By Eric Fish.
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Short of Workers and Consumers, China Abandons One-Child Policy [Autoplay]
China ended one of the most ambitious demographic experiments in human history, abandoning the limit of one child for most families to foster the population growth required by the world’s second-biggest economy... -
China to Start Big Reveal of Xi's Plan to Keep Economy Humming
The Communist Party’s big policy powwow is almost over. The long, slow reveal of President Xi Jinping’s plan to make China "moderately well-off" by 2020 has just begun... By Ting Shi. -
The Chinese government made a music video about economic policy—and it's magical
In recent years, there's been a considerable amount of hyperventilating among American politicians and pundits about how the U.S. is losing its competitive edge to China. While many of these worries can be easily dismissed as fear-mongering... By Aaron Sankin.
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