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Published 9 years ago by rti9 with 2 Comments

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  • NinjaKlaus

    candidates ought to be talking about ways to ensure that the service sector can fill manufacturing’s former role as a provider of dependable, decent-paying jobs.

    It says this a few times, that service and retail are the future, but those jobs pay so much less than manufacturing, the GM plant here paid temps $20 base, $2.50 CoLA and anything over 8 hours was counted as overtime at time and a half for $30 an hour. They closed up shop and moved away, there was nothing to take it's place because Ford had already done the same.

    Here the retail at Home Depot started at $8.50, full time was 29 hours, anybody getting overtime was sent home early to make up for it. They just raised it to $10 across the board and hours for some have gone up to around 40.

    There is little comparison in those items though wage wise. Manufacturing may not be coming back and what little that does is automated, but retail/service being called a replacement for it is a joke to those that were make 22.50 before and are not making half of it now. For future generations starting out they'll never know those pay scales, but for those that were in them and lost them, it's going to get ugly on the poverty lines.


      No viable economy can be based on "service sector" jobs.

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