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Published 9 years ago by AdelleChattre with 5 Comments

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  • nevermind

    It's a long, slow slog, but it seems the world is gradually dragging itself in the right direction... On some issues, anyway.

  • moe (edited 9 years ago)

    How is abortion related to this news? The two are hardly comparable issues and it reads like promotion of an agenda where it doesn't belong.

    • AdelleChattre

      If that's how you feel, I suppose then you won't be making that connection in any snaps you create on the subject.

      • frohawk

        Is this sarcasm???

        • AdelleChattre

          No, but the comment I was replying to was edited to appear more reasonable than it first did.

          The way it reads now one could imagine going into what connection, and what hypocrisy, there may be between Ireland’s new pragmatic legalization of drugs and ongoing absolutist prohibition on life-saving medical procedures. We could have that conversation. The original of that comment wasn't after that sort of dialogue. Nor, I suspect, is this newly edited version either. One giveaway, to me, is the repeated use of the word ‘agenda.’ Essentially, the accusation of “random agenda insertion” is unchanged.

          As is my point, that if that commenter would rather not make that connection then they’re free not to.

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