• AdelleChattre

    If I had been the author of this piece, in particular, and Orner lazily concern trolled me, handwaving me away as might-as-well-be Ann Coulter, I don’t think I’d feel obliged to thank him for it. Sounds very much to me as though Orner has an axe to grind more so than any points to make at all. I see nothing wrong in Johnstone’s piece, nor in her handling of a random troll. My two cents.

    • CottonTail

      "You feel attacked because someone gave you their viewpoint? Man, that is delicate. One shudders to think what you’d feel like as a victim of genocide callously justified as saving “countless lives.” Get a thicker hide." That was some good advice that you have to sashinator. It's even better advice for Johnstone.

      • AdelleChattre

        Or what? Whatever the problem you’re pointing out is, it must not be her facts. Is it what those facts necessarily imply that’s dangerous?