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Published 9 years ago by AdelleChattre with 6 Comments

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  • oystein

    So instead of funding skills training and providing programs for the vulnerable, they poured money into a riverfront wedding hall, an Olympic-size indoor swimming pool and a golf course designed by a former PGA Tour pro — all while implementing a massive tax cut that primarily benefited the wealthy.

    How do these people get elected?

    • [Deleted Profile]

      [This comment was removed]

    • NotWearingPants

      How do these people get elected?

      Those projects and tax cuts that mainly benefited wealthy people? Those people are called campaign donors.

  • ColonBowel (edited 9 years ago)

    A serious question that I wonder when I hear stories like this one. Why don't people that are struggling move out of there? Just get on the Greyhound and go anywhere else? That lady had $20,000. That's way more than enough. I'd like to add that I have left my barrio home town to significantly improve my situation. I had a pickup truck, a mattress I threw on the floor of an increasingly shitty apartment, and got my first computer and furniture dumpster diving.

    • GeniusIComeAnon

      People are scared of change. That's honestly the main reason. My grandfather was dirt poor, but moved from Michigan all the way to California because he was in a bad area. My dad decided to move from California to Florida just for a slightly better terrible job. People don't want to have to change their life, even if it's miserable.

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