9 years ago
How the Deep South fell so far behind the rest of America
Hundreds of millions of dollars couldn't even turn around one little county still struggling with poverty and inequality
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How do these people get elected?
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Those projects and tax cuts that mainly benefited wealthy people? Those people are called campaign donors.
A serious question that I wonder when I hear stories like this one. Why don't people that are struggling move out of there? Just get on the Greyhound and go anywhere else? That lady had $20,000. That's way more than enough. I'd like to add that I have left my barrio home town to significantly improve my situation. I had a pickup truck, a mattress I threw on the floor of an increasingly shitty apartment, and got my first computer and furniture dumpster diving.
People are scared of change. That's honestly the main reason. My grandfather was dirt poor, but moved from Michigan all the way to California because he was in a bad area. My dad decided to move from California to Florida just for a slightly better terrible job. People don't want to have to change their life, even if it's miserable.