9 years ago
Heroin took over. But was it a disease?
In this excerpt from The Biology of Desire, neuroscientist and former U of T professor Marc Lewis combines case studies and science to argue against the disease model of treating addiction.
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Background: I have worked in the alcohol and drug field for over 25 years in a number of roles in a variety of services, government, and non government community not for profit. I have a family history of both addiction and recovery.
It is interesting to read everyone's views so far. The number of treatment models are varied and at times contentious, with various camps sometimes at odds regarding the best treatment approach. My experience has been that harm minimisation, underpinning a pragmatic public health stance is the most humane basis upon which various treatment models can springboard.
In my experience, a one size fits all approach is the least helpful. A variety of evidenced based treatments are available and with comprehensive assessment and treatment matching many lives have improved, not only for the substance user but for the many people within their circle who can be severly affected by the often destructive behaviours of people in active addiction.
The number of options for people in Australia can range from free needle and syringe programs, pharmacotherapy, outpatient couselling, 12 step programs, long term residential treatment based on the community as method treatment model, brief intervention, MTAR programs etc. The main idea being that for different people, at different times, there are choices.
And as someone quite rightly pointed out- not having treatment is an option too. Sometimes that comes with serious consequences, sometimes not.
There are some people who will mention poverty, neglect, abuse and poor education as factors in addiction, and that may well be, However, over the years I have met many, many people who have struggled with addiction who have had every opportunity in life. I think money can make it easier for a person to hide substance use issues.
I think getting lost in the whys of addiction can sometimes be detrimental to moving forward with the hows of recovery.
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