• Appaloosa (edited 7 years ago)

    These steps have been out for several years. I wouldn't give Bush 2 so much credit though. He certainly shares the blame. These mechanisms have been in place, they just needed a catalyst, like 9/11 to put the wheels in motion. Neocons. They have created the most powerful chair ever made and it sit's in the Whitehouse. Is Trump the next Hitler, or Stalin, or Mao....let's hope not, but let's face it, that chair is a loaded weapon and sooner or later we are going to get a maniacal psychopath sitting in it. I see Bolton being mentioned to be in the Trump administration... there is a true Neocon whack job.

    • AdelleChattre

      As near-future dystopian scifi movie as things are now, there are some fairly disturbing sounds coming from the Hillary-Clinton-as-president theater the next door over.