9 years ago
Court Vindicates Edward Snowden
The decision vindicates his contention that the NSA's metadata collection program is unlawful. (May 7, 2015)
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Edward Snowden Calls Ruling On NSA Mass Surveillance "Extraordinarily Encouraging"
Of Snowden and the NSA, only one has acted unlawfully – and it’s not Snowden
NYPD Releases Snowden Statue from Police Custody
Republicans put plans to reauthorise Patriot Act on hold after court ruling
N.S.A. Collection of Bulk Call Data Is Ruled Illegal. By Charlie Savage et al.
NSA program on phone records is illegal, court rules. By Ellen Nakashima
NSA ruling puts lawmakers on edge
NSA ruling splits Republican presidential hopefuls
Clinton breaks silence, supports [dodgy] NSA reform bill
NYT Editorial: The Illegal Phone-Data Sweeps
NSA privacy questions bound for SCOTUS
Edward Snowden fans see vindication in court ruling. By Nahal Toosi and Josh Gerstein
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Well fancy that! I never,in my wildest dreams expected this to happen.
Awesome news! Looks like you got most of the RLs covered too :)
I was just thinking damn that's a lot of extra links.