• TheEnglishMajor

    Based on the specific tweets cited in the related article (linked above), while the criminal charges certainly seem blown way out of proportion, I feel like the main article linked here did a poor job of withholding bias and presenting the news objectively.

    To all this, Guthrie pointed out once in cross-examination that feelings of fear, like all feelings, “develop over time”, and snapped that she was sorry she wasn’t “a perfect victim” who behaved like a conventional victim.

    Statements like saying "Guthrie...snapped" are loaded with negative connotations and lead the readers to picture her in a negative light. And without presenting any of the specific tweets, it leaves most everything up to the reader's imagination, which is being fueled by the author's rather clear bias. It's always better to present the news objectively and with clear evidence, so readers can make up their own minds.

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