8 years ago
Chelsea Manning faces charges, solitary confinement after suicide attempt
Serving 35 years for leaking secrets to WikiLeaks, she was being investigated for resisting guards, prohibited property and threatening conduct charges. By Nicky Woolf.
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You tried killing yourself? Let's give you some more reasons to kill yourself.
How is this any less barbaric than what any of the "uncivilized" countries do?
Chelsea probably has a whole lot of issues to deal with
Sure, but that doesn't justify how she's being treated. If any other country treated prisoners like this, we'd be all screaming about torture and human rights violations. But here nothing happens.
Yeah,let's torment her further for having the gonads to act like a human instead of a rock.
Well maybe she should stop breaking the fucking law.
Nobody did this to her, she put herself in this position, now she has to live with the consequences.