• septimine

    Meh, I think it's a bit broader than that. Not anti-racism, but diversity and tolerance. We believe that saying something is wrong is blasphemy. Especially if that group of people have a name, a flag, and an acronym. Once that criteria is met, even mild criticism of that group or their behavior is wrong and only a "heretic" would say that.

    This is why almost everyone wants to get under the LGBT umbrella. Demisexuality isn't essentially the need to fall in love before you have sex, so edgy. Then there's stuff like sapiosexual (only wanting smart people) demitrans (transsexual when they want to be) and transracial (wanting to be a different race) . People wouldn't be making such claims unless they came with benefits-- and they do. The benefits of never being called out on crazy or mean things that you do, the benefit of being considered brave for existing, and the benefit of having a unique label. I think most of this is appropriation on a large scale of minority successes. Waving a sexuality flag around is cool -- now that gays aren't openly hated on. Being transracial is cool, now that overt racism is in history books and black music, fashion and slang are popular. Back before hip hop, we had wiggers who did the same thing, but it wasn't cool in 1990. It's weird to me, because I'm old enough to remember when people were afraid of being thought of as a trashy wigger or being gay was dangerous (grew up in the 80s and 90s) and these people weren't around then. Nobody was Demi in 1990 when it was still socially acceptable to hate gays.