
    "They fail to understand why such states have totally failed to follow F.A. Hayek’s predicted course into socialism and totalitarianism." The reason for this is that only capitalism is proven historically financially sustainable.

    • AdelleChattre

      capitalism is proven historically financially sustainable

      Pull the other one, now.

      As I remember the last time capitalism collapsed, in the last days of the Cheney presidency, it was the taxpayer's trillions that saved the world economy.

      Or does it cease to be capitalism when the profits run out and there are debts to be paid? Like a Christian ceases to be Christian at the moment of sin, only to be 'saved' again the moment the sin's been done?

      • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 9 years ago)

        " it was the taxpayer's trillions that saved the world economy."............... Yep, saved the world,.......LOL...Lined the pockets of every Obama supporter, after Wall Street and bankers were rewarded...... Enjoy your phone;)