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Published 9 years ago by 8mm with 4 Comments

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  • madjo

    If it truly was meant to be opt-in, then they should offer more settings on their settings page.

    • a7h13f

      If the CEO meant what he was saying, he'd update the privacy policy to explicitly reflect what data is being gathered and what it's being used for. I'm not giving Spotify the equivalent of a blank check because the CEO makes promises in his blog posts. When I click "Accept" on a Privacy Policy, I'm agreeing to what's in the policy, not to what the CEO said. Even if this guy is serious, what happens when a new CEO takes over who isn't as committed to privacy, and has access to all these users who have told Spotify: "Sure, any data on any of my devices that you want, go for it" ?

      • madjo

        I got my account cancelled today. I'm not coming back, any time soon. And I'm keeping a very close eye on Deezer (where I have an account as well). They'd better tread very carefully.

  • a7h13f

    Already cancelled my Spotify. Platitudes from the CEO don't change my decision. That would take changes to the privacy policy

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