• GeniusIComeAnon

    Okay, but that's just what the guy is claiming; that doesn't make it true. On the other side we have a video of the flight path and it very clearly does not hover, but flies over, and not at deck level, but at a couple hundred feet up. He's either paranoid or using his daughter as an excuse.

    Don't worry, I read the article :P I just think the guy is stretching a number of details. In the video of the flight path, the drone is about 200 feet in the air, and merely flies over both his and his neighbors house. It never stops, and it never drops below 190 feet.

    • Qukatt

      yes so look at this way, 11 hours ago there was only that initial article for me to look at. no flight plans or other side of the story.

      • GeniusIComeAnon

        Ah, gotcha, that makes sense! I didn't look at when the update was.