• GeniusIComeAnon (edited 9 years ago)

    Um, what would go in place of could? Unless you want me to say "was"? I wasn't saying maybe, I was saying that it's easily possible, but doesn't appear to be the case in this instance.

  • picklefingers
    @GeniusIComeAnon -

    Sorry, the italicized made it sound like you were saying it was difficult or something, in conjunction with your earlier statement " it was far too high up to really see people on the ground" which implies that you believe 65 yards is hard to film from.

  • GeniusIComeAnon
    @picklefingers -

    Ah, okay. I really just meant you can't see people terribly clearly from that high. People are just kind of colorful specks at that point. Mainly because from above you only see people's heads.

  • picklefingers
    @GeniusIComeAnon -

    I guess. This is all really just pedantry. Sorry for arguing.