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Published 9 years ago by 66bnats with 3 Comments

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  • moe

    This seems like little more than an ad that doesn't present any external studies or experts. Ultrasonic cleaning is nothing new; ultrasonic cavitation baths have long been used by opticians for cleaning glasses, and Samsung's Ecobubble has utilized this technology for years.

  • frohawk (edited 9 years ago)

    This is amazing and thank you for sharing. :D

    EDIT: Man, I can't stop thinking about how this is such a breakthrough. I mean, just think about whole houses or buildings installed with this system. Less detergents being used so that there are in turn pollutants in the water while also having less resources to make the various harsh cleaning products.

    It might only save the household a couple of gallons of cleaning product yearly, but multiply that by the millions of households in the world and then the impact this technology has is beyond mere description.

    And the possibilities it has with health and medicine! God, I'm giving myself a headache trying to think of all the ways it can be beneficial.

  • Tinus

    What an amazing discovery, Mike! But look at what you'll get if you order now!

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