  • tehdiplomat

    Luckily, I get to take a bus for a commute, so I get to read both in the morning to help kickstart my day, and at night to help decompress. I'm mostly read fat fantasy books, so I don't necessarily get through a ton of books, but the volume on a per page basis has got to be fairly high. I don't read that often outside of my commute, but I would if I was into a really good part of a book, or didn't feel like I was getting through my to-read selection fast enough.

    • scheissemineli

      This! During my subway commute, instead of reading on the phone like so many others, I read on my e-reader. I always have it with me and take it out in those "dead" moments when I wait (for transport, for friends, etc.). With this habit alone I was surprised of how much I was able to go through. Another thing, and this also comes with the e-book reader, is that I read several books at once, but totally different books: some scifi, some non-finction, etc., so that way if sometimes I'm in the mood for something else, I have alternatives. Also, usually I give a book about 40-60 pages; if I don't get hooked or I generally feel it's a tedious style, I switch to another one. I found there's nothing worst than actually struggling to read and ending up not picking up the book at all at times because I actually don't like the book. Even if everybody says this or that books is a "must-read", if after a couple of tens of pages the style sucks for me, well...then it's not for me. The more hooked you are for a book, the less you tend to "zone out" while reading it.

      • Moderator

        Word, I'm with you on the ebooks. As much as I like paper, you can't beat that convenience when you're on the move.

        Reading on your commute also turns what's more or less wasted time into productive time. It's like magic!

    • bogdan

      I'm so jealous. Back in college I would do tutoring, and the children I was teaching to were in the other side of the city. I will forever remember those times dearly, as it was the time when I got to read most while on the commute. Nowadays I do most of my reading while traveling on the airplane / train.