Conversation 10 comments by 9 users
  • idlethreat (edited 8 years ago)

    An easy one for the Southern folk on the site. Beans and Rice are good, filling, and provide a complete protein, providing all the amino acids the body cannot make for itself.

    Best of all? They're cheap. Like, seriously cheap. Get a bag of each. If you have any cash left over, pick up some hot sauce since it's pretty plain.

    edit: while i'm not exactly a survivalist, I do have 50 pound bags of beans, rice, and salt along with several gallons of water stored in the garage. If something did happen, I'd be self-sufficient for a month. Two, if I didn't like my wife that much.

    • Boop

      There is no better answer. Great carbs, great protein source. You can't get better than that. I'd also suggest lentils as they also are incredibly nutritious, incredibly cheap, and mix well with beans and rice.

      • pixelboot

        I went through a rough financial time in my life where this was my regular meal. Once in a while if I was feeling "spendy" I would throw an egg in there too. My favorite trick to combat the plainness of the rice was to mix a bit of dry soup mix in to the water when you cook it - you can get it at bulk food stores for next to nothing. Add a dash of salt and you're good to go!

      • idlethreat

        Good call. lentils are a superb food as well. You can even mash them up, fry them into fritters, and do all sorts of other stuff with them. Beans, rice, lentils, and some hot sauce and you'll be set for a solid week of good food choices.

    • aj0690 (edited 8 years ago)

      Rice and beans was my first thought as well. If there was still some money leftover I would get pork skin so I can cut it into tiny squares and fry them up until golden brown, crunchy and full of flavour. Hot sauce and some other spices (salt,pepper,paprika) would be good, but those can be purchased from the bulk bins for almost nothing. I would also think about throwing in some corn and other veggies if the budget permits, there are many places that sell ugly/ripe veggies for pennies on the dollar. Final goal for me would be to make a large pot of this which should last me a week.

      • drunkenninja (edited 8 years ago)

        Re: Pork Skin. We got an asian market (T&T) a stone's throw away here. There is always plenty of cheap organ meat and other things that can be used for cooking soups, and other things that most people just don't know about or are disgusted by. If I can say anything about real Asian cuisine is that they really get the most bang for their buck.

        • Gozzin

          I bet they do. Being a southerner I grew up on pork skins (rinds).

      • PensiveApe

        That sounds good any day of the week.

    • BlankWindow

      Beans and Quinoa, I already practically live on this stuff anyway.

    • Zeus (edited 8 years ago)

      If something did happen, I'd be self-sufficient for a month. Two, if I didn't like my wife that much.

      Your comment made me imagine a post-apocalyptic movie starring Rodney Dangerfield, and for that, I thank you.