• RoamingGnome

    That's what they said about TNG. Patrick Stewart was interviewed by Howard Stern last year and talked about it. His agent told him not to "move" to LA, but just plan on renting for a while. So, he was renting a garage apartment during the first season in anticipation of moving back the the UK after the show was cancelled. The rest is history. This is the first I have heard of a new Star Trek and it makes me excited!

    • ChrisTyler

      That's not really a fair comparison. The franchise in 1987 was nothing like it is today, in either scope or scale. Back when "Star Trek: The Next Generation" launched, you had four relatively successful movies based on a television show that was, from the network's perspective, a failure and that had been off the air for nearly twenty years. Now, "Star Trek: Discovery" is launching in an environment where the franchise has been around for 50 years, has had eight more movies, and over six-hundred hours of television programming. It's a completely different set of circumstances.

      As I said, I hope I'm wrong, I'm just not getting my hopes up.

      • RoamingGnome

        Honestly, I do not understand what you are saying. Not a single point you made would indicate to me that this series will be a failure. If anything, it would be just the opposite.

        • ChrisTyler

          If I told you that the next Avengers movie wasn't going to be released in theaters, it's going straight to DVD, and only going to be available at Walmart, would you think that was a good idea by the studio? That's essentially what CBS is doing with Star Trek: Discovery.

          Instead of putting it on the network which has a much larger audience, and where it would have a chance, with the proper marketing and lead-in, to generate substantial ad revenue and become a very lucrative show (which would help not only Discovery, but help future Star Trek shows get made), they're "sending it straight to DVD" by putting it on their streaming service where not many people are going to see it, and where it's not going to generate much in the way of revenue.