• Bastou (edited 7 years ago)

    I'm sorry, but I fail to see how that could help in any way...

    What would help is making sure people in one's country can't fall as badly into poverty and despair as to search for such comforting as this radicalization seem to provide. Reduce the gap between extreme wealth and extreme poverty, provide a way for the poorest to provide for themselves and get a minimum of education, so they can lift themselves out of a state of despair. No matter where they are from, what colour their skin is or to what god(s) they pray, or don't pray. Once you've done that, help spread that to less advantaged countries, no matter where they stand on political or religious grounds.

    Who would want to attack a country that takes arms against another? Who wound want to attack a country that provides food and funding for schools in your country, despite seemingly gaining nothing out of it?

    Who do you think benefits from the current state of affairs? Who would benefit if we changed the way we think for what I propose?

    Edit : Added everything after the first line.

    • Appaloosa

      Economics may play a part in some of this, but several suicide attackers have come from very good family backgrounds with plenty of education and money. This goes beyond education and poverty.

      • Bastou (edited 7 years ago)

        Yes, we also need better care and recognition for mental health issues. And remove taboos about inquiring about mental health issues (all of it : from professional exaustion to PTSD and all the rest).

        And even with all of that (better economy, education and mental health care) there could still be isolated cases of people that would commit such seemingly out of nowhere acts of violence, but I firmly believe it would happen less often.

        Anyway, we've already tried bombing people at the other end of the world and it didn't help much. I guess, if we are to waste so much money on false solutions that don't help, we could at least help many people in the process, whether it works or not i reducing violence.

        Also, there are pilitical and diplomatic things we can do, to undermine funding of organized groups, just to add other not (or less) violent solution tentatives.