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Published 8 years ago by zobo with 1 Comments
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  • Muffintop

    It's great to hear that we're making progress on HIV vaccine, however, this is yet another exciting headline which doesn't reflect the reality of the study.

    The key is that out of 15 patients who received the vaccine booster,in 10 of the participants, the virus rapidly bounced back. Five participants have no detectable virus 7 months, 6, 14, 19 and 21 weeks.

    So for the majority of the participants the vaccine in it's current form failed. The rest have been free from virus a really short time, it could still reappear. Indeed, the New Scientist article, which this article was based upon, mentions cases of the virus returning months and even years after other reported "cures".

    Let's hope for the best and wait for the results of the follow ups and other clinical trials. Yet, be careful of those sensational headlines.

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