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Published 9 years ago by zgb with 6 Comments

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  • RedForge

    Type C was never about speed. It was about convenience and flexibility.

    • AinBaya

      Also interesting. I was looking at the new mac book and having to have an adaptor to use any combination of display output, usb and charging is kind of annoying but then i realised i rarely have a usb in my computer any more. All i'd need the adaptor for is charging and having a second screen simultaneously which i guess wouldn't be to bad seeing as its stationary.

  • kabamman

    I'm excited about it because I hate microUSB and it will be able to charge 10X faster.

    • FistfulOfStars (edited 9 years ago)

      Wouldn't 10x faster charging be damaging on the device end? I was under the impression that most cell phone/tablet batteries have low c-ratings that would mean anything much over 2mA could cause damage, even venting.

      I guess in the future they will start putting in batteries with higher c-ratings, but that would be a tradeoff with mAh.

      • asuperpower

        2mA?? I'm guessing you mean 2A, but I guess as capacity increases in batteries, the charge current increases also - if we get to using 4Ah batteries in phones at 1C that is 4A - although that's 3.7V, but it shows that there is advantage in being able to deliver more than 2A.

        I think the type C update just allows it to be more versatile.

      • kabamman

        It's up to 10x but they could limit it, but this gives manufacturers a great opportunity to pursue new type software batteries which would not have been viable previously.

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