All extreme weather events past and present from around the world.
A place to discuss climate change and its impact on our world
Praise Gaben
All about guns and ammo
A place to find other people that share your quirks.
The place for discussing how landforms develop over time and space.
Snapzu Lounge
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Planet Earth
ar•chæ•ol•o•gy (ärˌkē-ŏlˈə-jē) noun 1. the scientific study of historic or prehistoric peoples...
Today's forecast: Awesome
All about trees.
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Content for libertarians
For all the nature lovers out there, this is the Tribe to get into. Share your camping pictures,...
Love camping/hiking/survival? Ever feel like you want to do all those things like your ancestor...
The science dealing with the areal differentiation of the earth's surface, as shown in the...