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Published 8 years ago by ulatek with 0 Comments

Shades of Death Rd.

A haunted road with a creepy name, and disturbing history.

  • Shades of Death Rd.

    Said to be one of the most haunted roads in the world, Shades of Death Road is a rural road of about seven miles in Warren County, New Jersey. It’s said that the road earned it’s name from the number of murders that have taken place on the road. On the southern half of the road is a forest on the outskirts; this forest provided shade for the bandits that would lay in wait for their victims in this shade, slashing their throats and robbing them as they approached. The town would get revenge on these bandits by lynching them and leaving their bodies swinging from the trees on the road as a warning sign to other criminals. Throughout the 1920′s and 1930′s, there was a string of heinous murders along this road, with the bodies often being disposed of around the road. Due to the many twists and turns of the road, it’s said that there have been a number of deadly car accidents.

    Shades of Death Road is reported to be extremely haunted and has a number of paranormal landmarks. Ghost Lake, later to be renamed Haunted Hollow, was created in the early 20th century. It was given the name Ghost Lake due to the vapour formations seen rising from the lake. The Fairy Hole is a small cave that was once used by Lenape Indians. Lanape Lake is another lake which runs easward off Shades of Death Road; beside it stands an abandoned stable. Locals say that if you visit the stable at night, there are an abundance of frogs surrounding it and quite often, you can catch a glimpse of an apparition. The air is said to be bizarrely chilly. Another legend says that if you stop your car past midnight, with full beams on, on the bridge on Old Mine Road, and honk your horn three times, the ghost of two young children will appear.

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