9 years ago
japan landscapes,moon shots, animals
new to this web site, but snapzu twitter account favs. my photos often so just thought about starting on this site. hope you enjoy my photos^^
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sunsets,sunrises, moon shots, animals, landscape in japan
moon shot
okinawa mangrove water side
saimiri from okinawa
sunrise in japan
moon shot
taken last year i think sunset in japan
2015 winter morning with a crescent in the corner
sunset again in japan 2015 winter.
brisk morning look but it was a hot day
sunset in summer 2015. looks like a laser beam might shoot down from the sky
japan shots
just a few shots taken all in japan. snapzu twitter account favs. my photos often so i thought of starting up on snapzu. dont know how to use this web site yet, hope u like what u see^^
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Welcome aboard! I agree, your work is amazing!
I can see why they favor your photos,welcome and cannot wait to see your snaps.