LAWYER Henderson TV, an Online YouTuber
By Shaun Harris, CCPI media
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LAWYER Henderson
LAWYER Henderson TV, AN online youtuber slams the now bankrupt “Black News Channel” network as A failure from the start By Shaun Harris, CCPI media
(Atlanta, Ga) 3/28/2022
Black News channel, based in Florida announced it was shutting its doors after being launch 2 years ago, it’s founder Shahid Khan announced. The struggling network has not managed to maintain viewers of black and brown communities as describe on its website. One of its host, marc Lamont Hill, told the Hollywood reporter, the station had “an incredible assignment” and would work to “fill the void” for neglected audiences at a relaunch one year ago.
However, the channel ceases live operations last Friday afternoon after it failed to meet payroll for it’s 203 employees whom most came from other large networks. The Los Angeles Times reported that in addition to failed to meet payroll to their workers after laying them off, the company told them they want received severage pay and their health benefits were ending the same week.
“This network was a failure from the start”. Online Youtuber Lawyer henderson of Lawyer Henderson TV said. “They were trying to be A black version of CNN and the most black people don’t “fool” with CNN, Fox news, CBS and all the others… They are getting their media from the black grassroots on line”. He argues.
“When you have black news presenters who don’t have a relationship black people, and who try to be democratic shills to get to support the democrats who as yet to do something for black folks, …then we start questioning their motives”. Henderson contined.Phil Scott, of African Diaspora news channel weigh in, on his podcast on Sunday, “He argues white males are making more money and he cover A gender discrimination lawsuit the company faced in the pass”. Scott said.
“How the hell you black news channel, and the white males are in leadership and making more money at black News channel, but you don’t hear that going on at CNN, MSMBC, etc. no... because that’s A white own network for white people to disseminate the news of white supremacy. That’s what you have understand about the main stream media.” He continues.
The now defunct network which was launch by Khan, who is the owner of the Jacksonville jaguars and NFL team had put up $50 million dollars in hopes that live television would bring in viewers and increase in ad sales and grow revenue failed to considered that most black people are getting their media online.
Shaun Harris is an online CCPI Media Contributor from New York with A degree in Journalism from Columbia Unversity.
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