8 years ago
Malta raises alarm on Russia in Libya
A Russia-backed Libyan warlord could start a “civil war” in Libya, increasing refugee flows to the EU, Malta has warned. The danger comes as the Libyan commander, Khalifa Haftar, advances on Tripoli, the seat of the UN-recognised government, Malta’s foreign minister, George Vella, told press in Valletta on Friday (13 January). “Haftar with his army is moving gradually, slowly from the east to the west … and possibly, eventually linking up with his colleagues from the west, from Zintane, and advancing in a pincer movement on the region of Bani Walid, and Misrata, and Tripoli”, Vella said.
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Because only the west is allowed to "start" a civil war in Libya. It's OK if we do it. If Russia does it, they are evil.
EU Observer is the media arm of a group of political parties the likes of Britain's UKIP. Whoever posted this might as well have picked the same article from Breitbart, or Stormfront or fill-in-the-blank.