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Right then thinkerbell, I have reached level five somewhat sooner than anticipated.
Now, I know how to download, save in the right place and upload images, but resizing them to the exact pixellation required? Not quite up to that speed yet.
Please would you recommend (because you obviously will know such things) or point me in the direction of, a simple, free, resizer program that will do what says on the tin? I want a nice banner! Is pixellation a word?
1680 x 153, not 1170 x 106. :(
For some reason, I didn't see that you responded to this snap, my apologies.
I am tweaking the way I put profile photos on here, because like you I realized they are being downscaled. After I write this comment, I am going to go back and alter a couple of the banner posts so you can download the fullsized banner photo, so please check this snap again.
MS Paint is a good resizer. All you have to do is open up the photo, click resize, and instead of percentage click pixels and you should be good to go.
And hell yes pixelation is a word (or as Brits would know it pixellation.)
And we have lift off!
I managed to track down MS Paint, which was hiding without a shortcut. Thanks for your advice and information about it. 'Twill come in most handy.
Pleasing to the eye. Eventually I will reach the permitted level and use it, if you haven't come up with something better...
Haha, I'm working on it! :)