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Published 11 years ago by teamsnapzu with 1 Comments

FAQ: The Activity Feed

FAQ about your activity feed on Snapzu.

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      What is the activity feed?

      Your activity feed is a private news feed of all actions made by you and the users you follow, including their new snaps, comments, submissions, pinups, and other social activity.

      Each user has their own custom activity feed that is privately catered from 3 different sources. These are:

      1. Subscribed Tribes: This feed will show content from all your subscribed tribes. The more tribes you join, the more activity you will see.

      2. Following Users: This feed will show content from all the users you follow. The more users you follow, the more activity you will see.

      3. Saved Snaps: This feed will show any updates and comments from snaps that you have saved to your "Snapzine". It's an excellent way to keep up with future activity in snaps that interest you.

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      Where can I find my activity feed?

      Your activity feed is available in your account homepage, accessible by the house icon on the right of the top navigation bar. This is the first page that you are taken to when you first log in.

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      What is shown in the feed?

      Activity in the feed includes snap submissions, comments, contributions, events, and saved items.

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      Can I customize my feed?

      Yes of course. The feed was built to be fully customizable to filter out unwanted content. In the "Feed Preferences" area you can select to show only certain snap types, hide content from certain tribes, and choose what content to show from certain users. You can also use a number of filter options available directly to the right of the feed, but those will be reset to default when you leave the page.

  • More Questions?

    If you have any additional questions you feel need to be answered in this FAQ, please post in the below comments section. We are constantly looking to update this section!


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  • ColonBowel

    Is there an easy way to track the popularity (voting history) of my individual comments? Such as going through my activity feed and seeing the voting history right next to each comment.

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