
[Discussion] Guys let's get our writting on..

Hey guys! So when I joined this tribe, I told myself, I'm no author but I would really give each prompt posted serious thought as I wanted to encourage the development of this kind of thing. It saddened me to find so few prompts being posted. Are there no stories you wish told? No tales you wish spun? Go on let us know, and maybe you'll be part of creating something awesome.

I posted some prompts in the hopes of encouraging others to respond however I really couldn't bring my self to respond to them as well, it feels it's a bit silly to respond to one's own promts hahaha :P

I'd also say, that people shouldn't feel afraid of trying their hand at responding to prompts. You may think you are not a great writer but to that I have two responses, first, you'd be surprised how others would view your work, most of the time its better than your own view, two there's only one way to get good at writing. ..

If you joined this tribe then surely you either wanted a story told or wanted the challenge of tackling an interesting prompt (I'm looking at you prompt about a music album, I'm still coming for you when I have time :P album is chosen just need to try weave the tale). So lets put some words in this tribe. :D

P.S I'm really busy in the weeks but I'll try to commit to responding to at least one prompt a weekend if they exit. :) I may increase that number if things pick up, we'll see.

9 years ago by Wenjarich with 3 comments

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  • madjo (edited 9 years ago)

    I'm no writer, and until very recently hadn't even heard of this tribe, but I'll try to think up a writing prompt, and perhaps try a few myself.

    • Wenjarich

      Awesome look forward to seeing what you post :)

  • Wenjarich (edited 9 years ago)

    I'm a little saddened that there were no new prompts this weekend for me to respond to as per my promise in this post. Hopefully there will be a couple next week. If there is even one prompt, it doesnt matter how silly (although a thoughtful one would be appreciated :P), I will attempt to write about it. Otherwise I will make an attempt on the music album :D