
I found a great Website to help you with the cartography and other aspects of your world!

I recently ventured through a list of weird websites and happened to come across this one website that concentrates on generated RPG elements. It can generate detailed and labeled maps, encounters, quests, SCIFI maps, character names, star systems, items,

Here is a link to the Website, I hope some of you could get a use out of it, it definitely helped me!


9 years ago by Grassgrows with 4 comments

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  • frohawk

    You should definitely cross post this to /t/awesomewebsites. :)

    • Grassgrows

      I would love to! How do I do that though, do you know?

      • frohawk

        I don't actually know... Try editing the snap and seeing if you can add tribes?

        • Grassgrows

          I tried to but that doesn't not work unfortunately :(

          I think it only works with link snaps, not discussion snaps.