+2 +1
The White Witch of Los Angeles Wants You to Seek Truth
A former teen witch/Riot Grrrl/biochemistry major, Maja D’Aoust now uses her science background to examine the world through her lecture series, tarot readings, and insightful performances as the Oracle. By J. Bennett. (March, 2016)
+19 +1
The Curse Of Julia Brown: Manchac Swamp’s Voodoo Priestess Haunts Louisiana After Killing a Whole Town
Louisiana’s Manchac Swamp is haunted by the ghost of Julia Brown, a Voodoo Priestess who cursed her entire village and took them all to the grave with her. By Dana Matthews.
+26 +1
John Middleton, the Accidental Warlock
It’s got to be a little disconcerting to find out that despite your best efforts, a solid upbringing, and any evidence to the contrary, the court has legally determined that you are a witch. That’s the sort of thing one hopes to be aware of...
+16 +1
The Real Reason Women Love Witches
It’s not about broomsticks or cats. It’s about power. By Anne Theriault.
+18 +1
The Forgotten Egyptologist and First Wave Feminist Who Invented Wicca
Margaret Murray discovered the existence of covens and witches' sabbaths in 1921. There was one problem: She was wrong. By Sarah Waldron.
+27 +1
First, Kill the Witches. Then, Celebrate Them.
Salem carried off the neat trick of making Halloween its very special holiday, transmuting its secret shame into its saving grace. By Stacy Schiff.
+20 +1
The astronomer and the witch – how Kepler saved his mother from the stake
When Kepler was at the very height of his scientific career, his mother was accused of witchcraft. By Ulinka Rublack.
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