
So hows everyone's download experience so far?

My first attempt crashed, and I'm starting again now. Haven't heard of many people having issues though. How about everyone else?

Edit: Standalone installers are available here if you don't want to wait for it to be rolled out to you https://www.reddit.com/r/windows/comments/3ez...ndows_10_standalone_installers_now_available/

9 years ago by TiffanyAching with 10 comments

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  • picklefingers

    Tried last night before I got a "Working Directory" error. Found out it was cause I didn't have enough memory open on my C drive. Now I'm on the "Making sure you are ready to install" screen. Will update soon with possible errors.

    • TiffanyAching

      How'd it end up going? Third time was a charm for me.

      • picklefingers

        Yup, worked perfectly. Enjoying the new OS right now.

  • MePLUR (edited 9 years ago)

    Didn't realise it had launched. Brb.

    Edit: Downloading (ISO) at ~ 1% per minute so far.

    • TiffanyAching

      On my second installation, can't tell if frozen or if 35% is just a particularly large percent..

      • FivesandSevens

        On my first try. 35, 52, 76, 91 and 95 percent (where I am now) have all been particularly large percents. One was around an hour long. Did it end up working for you? At this point in fairly sure something is up, but I'm not stopping it now. I'm not even really sure how I would do that anyway.

        • TiffanyAching

          Yep it worked for me finally. I'm having some driver chaos which is causing a lot of crashing right now though which is just peachy

          • FivesandSevens

            Thanks! Mine finally came unstuck too. After about 6 restarts I think things are finally more or less as they should be.

  • BlueByte

    Thanks for the link, I have been using the Beta on a secondary laptop and found I was using it more then my regular laptop. Will be doing a fresh install on the weekend with my main laptop.

    • TiffanyAching

      I reccomend you head over to the reddit windows 10 sub just to check out the stuff on clean installs. apparently if you want the free upgrade you need to upgrade first, then clean install. Bit annoying.