+24 +1
Studio: Takedown notice for 15-year-old fan-made Hunt for Gollum was a mistake
The Hunt for Gollum fan film racked up more than 13 million views on YouTube.
+25 +1
JRR Tolkien is 2022 highest earning media estate
Forbes reports that JRR Tolkien's estate may have earned up to $500 million on the sale of the rights to The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings this year to Embracer.
+22 +1
The Lord of the Rings... 19 Years Later
The Lord of the Rings trilogy is one of the best series of films ever made.
1 comments by kxh -
+14 +1
Watch this Tolkien expert's master class on every race in Middle Earth
Cory Olsen, aka The Tolkien Professor, explains how Tolkien’s hobbit stories got fused with his earlier mythologic work around languages he created to become the Tolkien universe inhabited by…
+11 +1
Deeply unpleasant Lord of the Rings character combination chart
I don’t know who created this cursed chart but they are responsible for a lot of suffering on the internet this morning and should be brought to justice. [via Megadestructo]
+13 +1
A fiddle made famous by Lord of the Rings is in demand in Australia
An Australian fiddlemaker is helping to spice up the dying craft by creating Hardanger fiddles, a Norwegian instrument that gained international fame in The Lord of the Rings soundtracks.
+14 +1
Stephen Colbert connects hip hop song verses to Tolkien via Gilbert and Sullivan
Stephen Colbert connects hip hop song verses to Tolkien via Gilbert and Sullivan
+30 +1
Listen to rare recordings of J.R.R. Tolkien reading ‘The Lord of the Rings’
Each year on March 25, Tolkien fans around the world mark the day by reading one of the many works penned by the popular Catholic author. According to the Tolkien Society, the annual event “has bee…
+17 +1
Tolkien’s Establishment
“In our age of celebrity and political messiahs, Tolkien and Catholic theology are useful reminders that no human should be worshipped, that sensibility should be tied to Establishment, and that Establishment itself should defer to an objective moral order.” By Graham McAleer.
+15 +1
J.R.R. Tolkien Reads from The Lord of the Rings and Sings “Sam’s Rhyme of the Troll” in a Rare Recording
In the summer of 1952, sixty-year-old J.R.R. Tolkien (January 3, 1892–September 2, 1973) encountered a tape recorder for the first time, which resulted in some wonderful archival audio of the beloved author reading from The Hobbit. So enchanted was Tolkien with this novel technology that he proceeded to record himself reading much of his work over the years to come.
+5 +1
Tolkien's annotated map of Middle-earth discovered inside copy of Lord of the Rings
A recently discovered map of Middle-earth annotated by JRR Tolkien reveals The Lord of the Rings author’s observation that Hobbiton is on the same latitude as Oxford, and implies that the Italian city of Ravenna could be the inspiration behind the fictional city of Minas Tirith. The map was found loose in a copy of the acclaimed illustrator Pauline Baynes’ copy of The Lord of the Rings. Baynes had removed the map...
+43 +1
Vintage illustrations for The Hobbit from around the world
Tolkien’s first major work, The Hobbit was published in 1937. Because the story is driven by visual whimsy, it has also produced a number of vibrant illustrated editions from all around the world
+13 +1
Dragon scale: Why it’s impossible to size up Tolkien’s Middle-earth
A piece of fan art illustrating the relative size of Tolkien’s dragons raises a far more interesting issue than how big was Smaug or Glaurung or Ancalagon the Black. It’s an issue that should give pause for thought in any attempt to treat Tolkien’s legendarium as a piece of history, and especially in any attempt to depict it visually – whether in illustrations or movies.
+20 +1
Slaying Monsters. Tolkien’s “Beowulf.”
J. R. R. Tolkien finished his translation of “Beowulf” in 1926, at the age of thirty-four. Then he put it in a drawer and never published it. Forty years after his death, his son Christopher has brought it out. It is a thrill.
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